Creative digital products

Golern provides its expertise to help make your vision come true

Find out more

One small team for greater autonomy and creativity!

Golern removes bottlenecks, noise, and frustration in your projects with talended people who love working together. With years of experience in all areas of Digital, we reduce the number of people interactions and move fast.


At your service

Front-end development

We use React and React-Native to develop once and ship to multiple medias.

Realistic milestones

We think iterating on a minimum viable product in live helps make the most out of your investment.

Continuous operations to move fast

CI/CD pipelines set right from the start using reliable and affordable Cloud solutions.

Data architecture

With years of experience in the data field (Big Data, NoSQL and relational databases), we know how to organise and serve front ends in an optimal way.

Let's Get In Touch!

Interested to hear more or start your next project with us? That’s great! Send us an email and we will get back to you!

© 2019-2021 Golern Ltd All Rights Reserved.

Original puffin photo by Richard Bartz licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ( Source: Wikipedia ).